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  • info@idaafrica.org
  • (+27) 087 265 2374

Full Membership

Join us today for exclusive benefits.

Full Membership

R120,00 / month and a R1000,00 sign-up fee

  • Member Personal Details

    Member Contact Details

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Full Membership Benefits:

  1. As a full member of IDAA, you will be assisted in case processing, and the general office will negotiate your contracts for you (upon request).
  2. We handle all your director- interests at collective bargaining meetings within national and foreign pressure groups (Upon Request)
  3. Additionally, IDAA will assist disburse money to you if your film is distributed. (Upon Request)
  4. We also assist the heirs of directors with their rights on various works.
  5. You will have access to our legal team only for work contractual purposes or disputes.
  6. We will make sure that all your rights are respected and reserved as a director, on every project you hired on.
  7. Lastly, we will make you aware of any work and funding opportunities that might present themselves for our members.

Important Information

Please be aware that the monthly membership includes a one-time signup fee. If a monthly payment is missed, you will lose membership benefits for that month. If the membership goes unpaid for three consecutive months, your membership will be terminated.

Please enter the link to your film uploaded to Google Drive or Dropbox. Accepted video file formats are AVI, MOV and MP4.
Bank Details:

Bank: FNB

Acc Name: Independent Directors Association Africa

Acc No: 63050192277

Branch Code: 250655


GCF [Your film title]